Kalpresh Properties LLC

Contract-to-Deed(C2D) and Rent-to-Own(R2O)

I have a dream.........

Contract to Deed / Rent to Own
Why rent when you can own ? 
  • Why not invest your down payment to make money for you in the ‘extremely hot’ market ?
  • Imagine investing your landlord or investor’s money even though your credit is bad ?
  • Why put all the rent down the drain?
  • Ever thought you could own a house no matter how bad your credit is?
  • Do you imagine yourself to be your landlord ?
  • If all these questions appeal to you, then write to us asap. We will email you our contact details.

What do you need ?

  1. You need to choose a house listed in the market. Should be in the range of $140-$200K.
  2. You need to have at least 5% to get started with the lowest level program. (25% part refunded if you cancel the deal for any reason any time during the contract)
  3. You need to be able to show documentation of steady income over next 2-3 years.
  4. You need to have determination to make an investment happen for you over 2-3 years.
Don’t just rent. Instead, invest your rent! Convert your rent expense into an asset! Be smart and use your landlord’s money and credit as your bridge short-circuiting your house-owning journey! Contact us for a free consultation…

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