Kalpresh Properties LLC

Rent Affordability


Kalpresh Properties LLC.

Affordability Chart
Expense Head
Total Monthly Income
Base Rent
Renters Insurance
Pet Rent
Electricity SPUC
Heat Center Point
Water SPUC*
Internet - Comcast
Dish TV / Direct TV
Appliance / Home Plan
Pet Food
Monthly Expenses
Auto Loan
Other Loans
Alimony / Medical
Third-party/ Med Settlement
Day Care
Credit Cards
Total Monthly Expenses
Please update the figures basis your household income and expenses.
Your family income is recommended to be atleast 1.5 times the maximum expected expenses.
* Depending your association, your water bill will either be covered or not. Some assocations cover and some don’t
** Applicable in case the pet weight is more than 30 lbs. This is besides $500 per pet non-refundable deposit.
*** $50 from proposed rent is given back to the tenant to run an appliance in tenant’s name. Center Point wants the plan to be carried in Tenant’s name
Disclaimer – This is a guidance document. Kalpresh Properties LLC have input estimated expenses basis its experience with earlier Tenants. Expenses projected here are purely for guidance purposes and may change depending individuals usage and patterns. Kalpresh Properties LLC has published this in good faith for prospect tenant(s) to fully understand his/her/their rent affordability. It is expected that this document will help prospects get a full preview of how their monthly expenses would look. By using this document, prospect Tenant(s) agrees and understands that he/she/they can’t hold Kalpresh Properties LLC responsible for any financial miscomputations. Prospect Tenant(s) bear the full responsibility of their finances, expenses and earnings. Prospect Tenant(s) agrees and understands that he/she/they will pay their due agreed rent, pet deposit (if applicable) and obtain renters insurance no matter what their actual monthly computations would look like. At no point, Kalpresh Properties LLC will be liable to answer anything on this topic. Kalpresh Properties LLC may be required to produce this document in the court of law or may use this during any disputes or argument with Tenant in future. By reading and accepting this document, Prospect Tenant(s) agree to all the risks as well as conditions associated with this document.

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